One of the most effective tools available to an attorney is the expert medical witness. The knowledgeable testimony they provide can often mean the difference between winning and losing a case, which explains why lawyers representing clients in civil lawsuits so often rely on their services. With the novel coronavirus impacting all aspects of American life, it should come as no surprise that the virus frequently comes up in civil lawsuits as well and will continue to do so. Should you find yourself representing a client who’s contracted the virus, here are a few reasons why could use expert witness services that specialize in COVID-19.

Keep Up with Recent Developments

COVID-19 is such a recent phenomenon that even doctors are unsure of its effects. Every day, leading scientists make new discoveries about the disease’s impact on the human body and the ways in which it’s transmitted. Only if you follow the developments of medical discovery on a regular basis can you keep track of the most recent opinions of the disease, and even then, it’s unlikely you’d be able to explain the disease to a jury properly. Having access to an expert witness who has a thorough understanding of the newest information regarding COVID-19 is crucial if you’re going to make a jury appreciate the ways in which your client has suffered and the costs associated with their recovery. Expert witnesses specialize in getting laypeople to recognize the lingering effects of COVID-19, making it more likely your client will win the settlement they deserve.

Adhering to the Standard of Care

In most medical malpractice suits, the defendant will be judged on whether or not they complied with the standard of care. COVID-19 is a recently discovered disease, so it can be hard to determine what the standard of care is. What’s considered acceptable treatment changes constantly, and it differs depending on the state, leaving medical facilities often lacking in providing the adequate care their patients need. Furthermore, some states have provided their health care workers with immunity from liability under certain circumstances. Having an expert witness doctor who’s familiar with the best practices in preventing the transmission of COVID-19  and the appropriate treatment once the patient has contracted the virus is necessary to put yourself in a position to win your case.

Nursing Home Malpractice

Sadly, among the most vulnerable populations in America are those who live in assisted living facilities or nursing homes. If you have a client who contracted coronavirus while living in an assisted living facility, they may be entitled to damages for a number of reasons. A COVID-19 expert can help you determine the cost of medical expenses both now and in the future. They can quantify the damages associated with the loss of enjoyment, pain and3 suffering, and emotional distress. They can play an instrumental role in proving the facility’s responsibility for the transmission of the virus and the appropriate settlement to which your client is entitled.

If you think you could use the services of an expert witness in a case involving COVID-19, contact Reliable Clinical Experts. We’ve provided medical expert witness services to cases just like yours, helping lawyers all across the country achieve the success they and their clients deserve. Give us a call today at (855) 963-3625.

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